If you enjoy having a a beverage occasionally, keep your money out of the casino if you set out to do your drinking in a casino. I am serious. Leave your purse, your billfold, and keep all money, credit cards and checks back at the hotel. Only take whatever money you intend to spend on alcohol, tipping and few dollars you anticipate to throw away and keep the remainder behind.
Contemptuous? Not by any means. Just realistic. You might experience a win following a drunken evening out with your friends and be blessed enough to hook a 25 minute roll at a smokin craps game. Keep that adventure considering that it’s as short-lived as it gets if you continuously consume alcohol and bet. The pair just don’t mix.
Leaving your money at home might be a tiny bit dramatic, but precautionary measures for dramatic behavior is essential. If you gamble to win, then do not drink and bet. If you are able to afford to burn your assets without a concern, then consume all the gratuitous booze your stomach can handle, but do not pack credit cards and chequebooks to toss into the mix of chasing squanderings after your drunk as a skunk head loses everything!
Permit me to take this 1 step further. Don’t drink alcohol and then jump on the net to play in your preferred online casino either. I love to drink from the coziness of my home, but due to the fact that I’m linked up through Neteller, Firepay and keep charge cards near by, I can not drink alcohol and bet.
What’s the reason? Even though I do not drink alcohol a lot, once I consume alcohol, it is absolutely enough to befuddle my common sense. I wager, so I don’t drink alcohol when wagering. If you are more of a drinker, don’t wager when you do. When mixed, both create an awful, and costly, drink.
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